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  • TechRepublic Premium

    Office relocation checklist

    PURPOSE New office launches and site relocations run the range from straightforward to overly complex. For intricate, sophisticated new office deployments and larger site moves, TechRepublic Premium’s Office relocation checklist can help plan, monitor and execute such projects. From the checklist: LIST REQUIRED OF EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES Begin by creating a simple list of required ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Onboarding and offboarding IT staff checklist

    PURPOSE Onboarding and offboarding employees requires careful attention. Otherwise, team members may receive insufficient permissions to perform their jobs or continue to have access long after their employment’s termination. Given the stakes, the problem is even worse when managing IT staff permissions, so it’s imperative that your company adopts a system to ensure consistency. Employees, ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    10 must-know Firefox tips

    PURPOSE TechRepublic Premium presents 10 tips for the Firefox open-source browser. Even if you only follow some of these, you’ll find your browser experience to be much improved. From the article: 1. USE CAUTION WITH ADD-ONS AND THEMES This is one of the first tips I always offer. I’ve seen web browsers with so many ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Bring your own device policy

    PURPOSE The purpose of this Bring your own device policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide requirements for BYOD usage and establish the steps that both users and the IT department should follow to initialize, support and remove devices from company access. These requirements must be followed as documented in order to protect company systems ...

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